MK Life Tips: Small Décor Changes that Make a Big Impact

I love to refresh my decor from season to season, but generally the changes are minimal. New pillow covers here, changing out my front door wreath there, and all in all it feels fresh and new to me. However, there are times where I need to really make an impact, but don’t necessarily want to remodel. There are ways you can do this with limited resources (time and money) required. See my full list and hopefully it inspires you to freshen up a space of your own.

1. Removeable wallpaper

This has the ability to transform an entire room within one afternoon. Easy to install (watch a youtube here), and there are hundreds and hundreds of brands out there now a days that you’ll be able to choose one that perfectly fits your style. You can even get wallpaper that is custom designed if you’re looking for a specific look. Then, when your looking for a change, just remove or swap out with a new design. Such a genius idea that is inexpensive, but offers a significant impact to a space.


2. Adding plants

Adding greenery to your space has a lot of benefits beyond making it feel fresh and new. The size of the plant and the potting in which you choose to keep it in can make the room feel bigger, taller or more light and airy. Make sure you look into plant options that suit the space you’re placing them in considering size, how much light they need, and the opportunity for them to grow. To get started, take a look at my perfect house plants for beginners guide.


3. Furniture upgrade

Instead of upgrading all of your furniture within one room, find the main focal point of the space and upgrade that piece. Some examples would be the dining room table, a large sectional or couch, your bed, etc. This one change can completely upgrade your look, and doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Check out your local flea market, garage sales or visit Home Goods to find great deals on pieces just like this.

4. Rugs

There are so many different types of rugs when it comes to design, texture and size, therefore, adding this to a space or changing up an existing rug can really make a difference. Start by figuring out the size you’ll need. Remember that you don’t want the rug to take over the space, but also, don’t want a door mat size in your living room. For a guide on how big or small a rug should be, checkout this guide here. Next, determine if this will be a muted piece or a statement piece - lots of color/drama/design or a simple no fuss version, and also consider layering of rugs. For example, a simple wicker rug with a cow hide on top of it. Checkout target and wayfair for great, affordable options and ideas.