Real Estate Tips: The Answer to "What is going on with interest rates?"

As you may or may not know, the real estate market has experienced a serious shift here in San Diego, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Over the past few years, inventory and interest rates were at an all time low, and demand was at an all time high, creating the perfect storm. Homes flying off the market in a matter of days at record high sales prices with 10+ offers was making it not only a challenge for Realtors to manage, but obviously for buyers. Now, since the recent increase in rates, I have seen the market come to a screeching halt (specifically in certain price ranges/locations), and it left me (and a lot of my clients) wondering, what does this means for the future of real estate here in our San Diego market?

Thus, I decided to get down to the answers and connect with my favorite lender of all time, Sean Kelly with RMS Loans. In our discussion, we talk through the following:

👉 What is going on with interest rates?
👉 Should I wait to buy until rates go down?
👉 What does this mean for the future of the local real estate market?

Click below to watch for the full lowdown